
Showing posts with the label Mind

Why We Need to Embrace a Holistic Patient Approach in Digital Health

The Need for Holistic Digital Health Solutions in the Age of Multi-morbidity As someone who has worked in commercial roles in the health industry for over 25 years, I’ve seen the common practice of launching a drug into a single indication, and then gradually adding other indications over the years. However, in reality, patients often suffer from multiple illnesses, and digital health applications are not bound by the same limitations as traditional drugs. This raises an important question: why are we continuing to create numerous niche apps for individual health issues instead of developing a holistic solution that can personalize treatment plans for individuals suffering from multiple conditions? Scientific Reports ( Sci Rep ) ISSN 2045–2322 (online) The truth is that multi-morbidity, or the presence of two or more chronic conditions, is increasingly common in patients over the age of 50. In fact, according to a report by the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly three out of four ...

How myAVOS Can Help Doctors Amidst Shortage and Burnout

The shortage of doctors and the increasing prevalence of physician burnout are pressing challenges faced by the healthcare industry today. As doctors face heavy workloads, long hours, and increased administrative burdens, the need for innovative solutions that can support and empower physicians has become more crucial than ever. One such solution is  myAVOS , a digital health coaching platform that offers personalized assessments, recommendations, and tracking tools to optimize health and prevent chronic diseases. In this blog post, we will explore how  myAVOS  can help doctors amidst the shortage of physicians and the issue of physician burnout. Improved Patient Education Patient education is a vital aspect of healthcare, and well-informed patients tend to be more engaged and proactive in managing their health. MyAVOS provides patients with comprehensive assessments of their risk for chronic diseases and offers personalized lifestyle recommendations. As patients become m...

How does lifestyle modification work?

The Science Behind How Lifestyle Modification Affects Our Genes The idea that how we live can affect the way our genes express themselves is a hot topic in science. The term “lifestyle modification” refers to any changes we make to our lifestyle that may change the way our genes function. Lifestyle modifications can change the way our genes work by adjusting external factors such as our diet, exercise routine, and stress levels. This happens through a process called epigenetics, which can modify gene expression without changing the underlying genetic code. And while some people are skeptical about whether or not these changes actually work, there’s actually a lot of evidence that they do. In this article, we’ll take a look at how lifestyle modification works and why it’s so important for your overall well-being. Scientists have discovered that certain lifestyle choices can change the way DNA functions inside cells. One study found that individuals who consistently ate fruits and vegeta...