
Unraveling the Amyloid Enigma: Reframing Alzheimer’s Narratives in a New Era of Biomarkers and Lifestyle Interventions

  From AAIC Amsterdam: A Renewed Emphasis on Amyloid and a Fresh Look at Disease Staging in Alzheimer’s Research Interesting times at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) in Amsterdam last week. Some positive findings with amyloid lowering drugs in early stages of Alzheimer’s were welcomed and seem to have led to the launch of a new 7 part staging process to measure the disease. This should amuse the researchers at New York University who published the Global Deterioration Scale back in 1988. This was used commonly at first, especially in clinical trials, but drifted out of use. But now something broadly similar is back, this time bolstered by the inclusion of biomarkers. In fact there is a stage A0, which is biomarker change, but no symptoms. Amyloid: Biomarker, Warning Sign, or Both? Delving Into the Implications for Alzheimer’s Disease Prognosis and Early Detection This starts to raise questions. It is known that amyloid accumulation affects tau proteins a...

How to Embrace Healthy (Brain) Aging? Nurturing the Five Pillars for a Fulfilling Life!

Introduction: As we journey through life, one thing becomes increasingly important to us all: healthy aging. We all aspire to maintain our vitality, well-being, and quality of life as we grow older. But what exactly does healthy aging entail? In this blog, we’ll explore the five pillars of healthy (brain) aging, the concept of positive and healthy aging, the difference between healthy aging and anti-aging, and whether a 70-year-old can lead a healthy life. So, let’s dive in and unlock the secrets to living a vibrant and fulfilling life as we age. Healthy (brain) Aging is built upon a strong foundation supported by five pillars: These pillars work together to create a comprehensive approach towards aging well and maintaining optimal well-being. Nutrition:  Nutrition plays a vital role in healthy aging. It involves adopting a balanced and nourishing diet that provides essential nutrients for the body. A focus on consuming whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and ...

What are The five early signs of dementia? And what to do about it?

Classically, people will tell you that memory loss, difficulty in word finding, inability to perform regular tasks, getting lost in familiar places, and subtle changes in personality are hallmark signs of early dementia. But these are occurring when the brain is already very compromised. Now we are being told changes in the folding of relevant proteins can be detected in the blood and retina decades before any symptoms occur. That is indeed early, but without intervention is not going to prove too useful in someone who is otherwise ok. But are they? What is provoking these changes? Is it a disease process or response to other factors? That is not confirmed. But what we know is that there are relevant associations with dementia throughout life that increase the risk of developing dementia when they occur together. The main non-genetic ones are: age, education, obesity, hypertension, high cholesterol, and inactivity. Therefore, assuming age is something we can not change, these could be ...